Proactively handling the Corona Virus situation

EUFOR INTER maintains its operations and provides its best emergency customer service.

Despite the unprecedented corona virus health crisis the world is facing, EUFOR INTER maintains its operations and provides its best emergency customer service.

These emergency services include the maintenance of production installations, water treatment, disinfection systems and any other specific urgent customer request.


Undeniably, a large part of Eufor Inter’s customers are operating in key industries such as vaccines, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage or drinking water distribution.


Now, more than ever these industries need a dynamic, flexible and proactive high quality service, which Eufor Inter aims to provide.


During this difficult and challenging time in which many companies had to put themselves on hold, our customers warmly thank Eufor Inter’s field engineer teams for their dedicated and engaged service.


Of course, Eufor Inter’s employees and field engineers are very well equipped and their working conditions were adapted to ensure the health, security and to minimize the risk of potential contamination for our customers and our staff.


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