Farming - agricultural effluents

Regulatory obligations on agricultural effluent waste impose certain standards for livestock buildings and the treatment of wine-production effluents.
The Labaronne-Citaf® Effluents product range was developed as a long-term solution to the effluent storage constraints faced by farmers and wine producers.

Approved by the French Ministry of Agriculture (according to the PMPOA) and numerous other European organisations, products manufactured by Labaronne-Citaf® are guaranteed to be compliant with the applicable specifications and regulations.

Our range of flexible pouches for farming effluent storage eliminates direct discharges into the environment and prevents water pollution due to run-off and infiltration.

Maximum capacity: 2,000 m3 (per tank).


  • Storage of effluents between spreading periods
  • Storage of biodiogestates for biogas production systems
  • Remote storage over spreading zones
  • Storage of white water, brown water, manure and slurry
  • Storage of phytosanitary effluents
  • Buffer storage of wine production effluents before controlled discharge to water networks

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